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작성일 : 13-01-23 16:07
page Curl(책장 넘기기 효과)
 글쓴이 : 기리
조회 : 7,761   추천 : 0   비추천 : 0 [2015]
참조 :
상기사이트는 현재 리스트로 구현되어 있는 것을 아래처럼 viewer로서 구현해 보았습니다.
package com.pageCurlSample1;

import android.os.Bundle;

public class pageCurlSample1 extends Activity {
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        PageCurlView curlView;
        curlView = new PageCurlView(this);
    public void onDestroy(){
package com.pageCurlSample1;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.text.TextPaint;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;

 * @author Moritz 'Moss' Wundke (
public class PageCurlView extends View {
	/** Our Log tag */
	//private final static String TAG = "PageCurlView";
	// Debug text paint stuff
	private Paint mTextPaint;
	private TextPaint mTextPaintShadow;
	/** Px / Draw call */
	private int mCurlSpeed;
	/** Fixed update time used to create a smooth curl animation */
	private int mUpdateRate;
	/** The initial offset for x and y axis movements */
	private int mInitialEdgeOffset;
	/** The mode we will use */
	private int mCurlMode;
	/** Simple curl mode. Curl target will move only in one axis. */
	public static final int CURLMODE_SIMPLE = 0;
	/** Dynamic curl mode. Curl target will move on both X and Y axis. */
	public static final int CURLMODE_DYNAMIC = 1;
	/** Enable/Disable debug mode */
	private boolean bEnableDebugMode = false;
	/** The context which owns us */
	//private WeakReference mContext;
	/** Handler used to auto flip time based */
	private FlipAnimationHandler mAnimationHandler;
	/** Maximum radius a page can be flipped, by default it's the width of the view */
	private float mFlipRadius;
	/** Point used to move */
	private Vector2D mMovement;
	/** The finger position */
	private Vector2D mFinger;
	/** Movement point form the last frame */
	private Vector2D mOldMovement;
	/** Page curl edge */
	private Paint mCurlEdgePaint;
	/** Our points used to define the current clipping paths in our draw call */
	private Vector2D mA, mB, mC, mD, mE, mF, mOldF, mOrigin;
	/** Left and top offset to be applied when drawing */
	//private int mCurrentLeft, mCurrentTop;
	/** If false no draw call has been done */
	private boolean bViewDrawn;
	/** Defines the flip direction that is currently considered */
	private boolean bFlipRight;
	/** If TRUE we are currently auto-flipping */
	private boolean bFlipping;
	/** TRUE if the user moves the pages */
	//private boolean bUserMoves;

	/** Used to control touch input blocking */
	private boolean bBlockTouchInput = false;
	/** Enable input after the next draw event */
	private boolean bEnableInputAfterDraw = false;
	/** LAGACY The current foreground */
	private Bitmap mForeground;
	/** LAGACY The current background */
	private Bitmap mBackground;
	/** LAGACY List of pages, this is just temporal */
	private ArrayList mPages;
	/** LAGACY Current selected page */
	private int mIndex = 0;
	 * Inner class used to represent a 2D point.
	private class Vector2D
		public float x,y;
		public Vector2D(float x, float y)
			this.x = x;
			this.y = y;
		public String toString() {
			// TODO Auto-generated method stub
			return "("+this.x+","+this.y+")";
		public boolean equals(Object o) {
			if (o instanceof Vector2D) {
				Vector2D p = (Vector2D) o;
				return p.x == x && p.y == y;
	        return false;

		public Vector2D sum(Vector2D b) {
            return new Vector2D(x+b.x,y+b.y);
		public Vector2D sub(Vector2D b) {
            return new Vector2D(x-b.x,y-b.y);

	    public float distanceSquared(Vector2D other) {
	    	float dx = other.x - x;
	    	float dy = other.y - y;

            return (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
	    public float distance(Vector2D other) {
	            return (float) Math.sqrt(distanceSquared(other));
	    public float dotProduct(Vector2D other) {
            return other.x * x + other.y * y;

		public Vector2D normalize() {
			float magnitude = (float) Math.sqrt(dotProduct(this));
            return new Vector2D(x / magnitude, y / magnitude);
		public Vector2D mult(float scalar) {
	            return new Vector2D(x*scalar,y*scalar);

	 * Inner class used to make a fixed timed animation of the curl effect.
	class FlipAnimationHandler extends Handler {
		public void handleMessage(Message msg) {

		public void sleep(long millis) {
			sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(0), millis);
	 * Base
	 * @param context
	public PageCurlView(Context context) {
	 * Initialize the view
	private final void init(Context context) {
		// Foreground text paint
		mTextPaint = new Paint();
		// The shadow
		mTextPaintShadow = new TextPaint();
		// Cache the context
		//mContext = new WeakReference(context);
		// Base padding
		setPadding(3, 3, 3, 3);
		// The focus flags are needed
		mMovement =  new Vector2D(0,0);
		mFinger = new Vector2D(0,0);
		mOldMovement = new Vector2D(0,0);
		// Create our curl animation handler
		mAnimationHandler = new FlipAnimationHandler();
		// Create our edge paint
		mCurlEdgePaint = new Paint();
		mCurlEdgePaint.setShadowLayer(10, -5, 5, 0x99000000);
		// Set the default props, those come from an XML :D
		mCurlSpeed = 30;//30
		mUpdateRate = 33;//33
		mInitialEdgeOffset = 50;//20//초기 edge 부분의 값
		mCurlMode = 1;
		// Create pages
		mPages = new ArrayList();
		mPages.add(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.page1));
		mPages.add(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.page2));
		// Create some sample images
		mForeground = mPages.get(0);
		mBackground = mPages.get(1);
	 * Reset points to it's initial clip edge state
	public void ResetClipEdge()
		// Set our base movement
		mMovement.x = mInitialEdgeOffset;
		mMovement.y = mInitialEdgeOffset;		
		mOldMovement.x = 0;
		mOldMovement.y = 0;		
		// Now set the points
		// TODO: OK, those points MUST come from our measures and
		// the actual bounds of the view!
		mA = new Vector2D(mInitialEdgeOffset, 0);
		mB = new Vector2D(this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());
		mC = new Vector2D(this.getWidth(), 0);
		mD = new Vector2D(0, 0);
		mE = new Vector2D(0, 0);
		mF = new Vector2D(0, 0);		
		mOldF = new Vector2D(0, 0);
		// The movement origin point
		mOrigin = new Vector2D(this.getWidth(), 0);

	 * See if the current curl mode is dynamic
	 * @return TRUE if the mode is CURLMODE_DYNAMIC, FALSE otherwise
	public boolean IsCurlModeDynamic()
		return mCurlMode == CURLMODE_DYNAMIC;
	 * Set the curl speed.
	 * @param curlSpeed - New speed in px/frame
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if curlspeed < 1
	public void SetCurlSpeed(int curlSpeed)
		if ( curlSpeed < 1 )
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("curlSpeed must be greated than 0");
		mCurlSpeed = curlSpeed;
	 * Get the current curl speed
	 * @return int - Curl speed in px/frame
	public int GetCurlSpeed()
		return mCurlSpeed;
	 * Set the update rate for the curl animation
	 * @param updateRate - Fixed animation update rate in fps
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if updateRate < 1
	public void SetUpdateRate(int updateRate)
		if ( updateRate < 1 )
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("updateRate must be greated than 0");
		mUpdateRate = updateRate;
	 * Get the current animation update rate
	 * @return int - Fixed animation update rate in fps
	public int GetUpdateRate()
		return mUpdateRate;
	 * Set the initial pixel offset for the curl edge
	 * @param initialEdgeOffset - px offset for curl edge
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if initialEdgeOffset < 0
	public void SetInitialEdgeOffset(int initialEdgeOffset)
		if ( initialEdgeOffset < 0 )
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("initialEdgeOffset can not negative");
		mInitialEdgeOffset = initialEdgeOffset;
	 * Get the initial pixel offset for the curl edge
	 * @return int - px
	public int GetInitialEdgeOffset()
		return mInitialEdgeOffset;
	 * Set the curl mode.
     * @see #CURLMODE_SIMPLE
	 * @param curlMode
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if curlMode is invalid
	public void SetCurlMode(int curlMode)
		if ( curlMode != CURLMODE_SIMPLE &&
			 curlMode != CURLMODE_DYNAMIC )
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid curlMode");
		mCurlMode = curlMode;
	 * Return an integer that represents the current curl mode.
     * @see #CURLMODE_SIMPLE
     * @return int - current curl mode
	public int GetCurlMode()
		return mCurlMode;
	 * Enable debug mode. This will draw a lot of data in the view so you can track what is happening
	 * @param bFlag - boolean flag
	public void SetEnableDebugMode(boolean bFlag)
		bEnableDebugMode = bFlag;
	 * Check if we are currently in debug mode.
	 * @return boolean - If TRUE debug mode is on, FALSE otherwise.
	public boolean IsDebugModeEnabled()
		return bEnableDebugMode;

	 * @see android.view.View#measure(int, int)
	protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
		int finalWidth, finalHeight;
		finalWidth = measureWidth(widthMeasureSpec);
		finalHeight = measureHeight(heightMeasureSpec);
		setMeasuredDimension(finalWidth, finalHeight);

	 * Determines the width of this view
	 * @param measureSpec A measureSpec packed into an int
	 * @return The width of the view, honoring constraints from measureSpec
	private int measureWidth(int measureSpec) {
		int result = 0;
		int specMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(measureSpec);
		int specSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(measureSpec);
		if (specMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) {
			// We were told how big to be
			result = specSize;
		} else {
			// Measure the text
			result = specSize;
		return result;

	 * Determines the height of this view
	 * @param measureSpec A measureSpec packed into an int
	 * @return The height of the view, honoring constraints from measureSpec
	private int measureHeight(int measureSpec) {
		int result = 0;
		int specMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(measureSpec);
		int specSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(measureSpec);
		if (specMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) {
			// We were told how big to be
			result = specSize;
		} else {
			// Measure the text (beware: ascent is a negative number)
			result = specSize;
		return result;

	// Curling. This handles touch events, the actual curling
	// implementations and so on.
	public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
		if (!bBlockTouchInput) {
			// Get our finger position
			mFinger.x = event.getX();
			mFinger.y = event.getY();
			int width = getWidth();
			// Depending on the action do what we need to
			switch (event.getAction()) {
			case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:				
				mOldMovement.x = mFinger.x;
				mOldMovement.y = mFinger.y;
				// If we moved over the half of the display flip to next
				if (mOldMovement.x > (width >> 1)) {
					mMovement.x = mInitialEdgeOffset;
					mMovement.y = mInitialEdgeOffset;
					// Set the right movement flag
					bFlipRight = true;
				} else {
					// Set the left movement flag
					bFlipRight = false;
					// go to next previous page
					// Set new movement
					mMovement.x = IsCurlModeDynamic()?width<<1:width;
					mMovement.y = mInitialEdgeOffset;
			case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:				
			case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
				// Get movement
				mMovement.x -= mFinger.x - mOldMovement.x;
				mMovement.y -= mFinger.y - mOldMovement.y;
				mMovement = CapMovement(mMovement, true);
				// Make sure the y value get's locked at a nice level
				if ( mMovement.y  <= 1 )
					mMovement.y = 1;
				// Get movement direction
				if (mFinger.x < mOldMovement.x ) {
					bFlipRight = true;
				} else {
					bFlipRight = false;
				// Save old movement values
				mOldMovement.x  = mFinger.x;
				mOldMovement.y  = mFinger.y;
				// Force a new draw call

		// TODO: Only consume event if we need to.
		return true;
	 * Make sure we never move too much, and make sure that if we 
	 * move too much to add a displacement so that the movement will 
	 * be still in our radius.
	 * @param radius - radius form the flip origin
	 * @param bMaintainMoveDir - Cap movement but do not change the
	 * current movement direction
	 * @return Corrected point
	private Vector2D CapMovement(Vector2D point, boolean bMaintainMoveDir)
		// Make sure we never ever move too much
		if (point.distance(mOrigin) > mFlipRadius)
			if ( bMaintainMoveDir )
				// Maintain the direction
				point = mOrigin.sum(point.sub(mOrigin).normalize().mult(mFlipRadius));
				// Change direction
				if ( point.x > (mOrigin.x+mFlipRadius))
					point.x = (mOrigin.x+mFlipRadius);
				else if ( point.x < (mOrigin.x-mFlipRadius) )
					point.x = (mOrigin.x-mFlipRadius);
				point.y = (float) (Math.sin(Math.acos(Math.abs(point.x-mOrigin.x)/mFlipRadius))*mFlipRadius);
		return point;
	 * Execute a step of the flip animation
	public void FlipAnimationStep() {
		if ( !bFlipping )
		int width = getWidth();
		// No input when flipping
		bBlockTouchInput = true;
		// Handle speed
		float curlSpeed = mCurlSpeed;
		if ( !bFlipRight )
			curlSpeed *= -1;
		// Move us
		mMovement.x += curlSpeed;
		mMovement = CapMovement(mMovement, false);
		// Create values
		// Check for endings :D
		if (mA.x < 1 || mA.x > width - 1) {
			bFlipping = false;
			if (bFlipRight) {
			// Create values

			// Enable touch input after the next draw event
			bEnableInputAfterDraw = true;
		// Force a new draw call
	 * Do the page curl depending on the methods we are using
	private void DoPageCurl()
			if ( IsCurlModeDynamic() )
		} else {
			if ( IsCurlModeDynamic() )
	 * Do a simple page curl effect
	private void doSimpleCurl() {
		int width = getWidth();
		int height = getHeight();
		// Calculate point A
		mA.x = width - mMovement.x;
		mA.y = height;

		// Calculate point D
		mD.x = 0;
		mD.y = 0;
		if (mA.x > width / 2) {
			mD.x = width;
			mD.y = height - (width - mA.x) * height / mA.x;
		} else {
			mD.x = 2 * mA.x;
			mD.y = 0;
		// Now calculate E and F taking into account that the line
		// AD is perpendicular to FB and EC. B and C are fixed points.
		double angle = Math.atan((height - mD.y) / (mD.x + mMovement.x - width));
		double _cos = Math.cos(2 * angle);
		double _sin = Math.sin(2 * angle);

		// And get F
		mF.x = (float) (width - mMovement.x + _cos * mMovement.x);
		mF.y = (float) (height - _sin * mMovement.x);
		// If the x position of A is above half of the page we are still not
		// folding the upper-right edge and so E and D are equal.
		if (mA.x > width / 2) {
			mE.x = mD.x;
			mE.y = mD.y;
			// So get E
			mE.x = (float) (mD.x + _cos * (width - mD.x));
			mE.y = (float) -(_sin * (width - mD.x));

	 * Calculate the dynamic effect, that one that follows the users finger
	private void doDynamicCurl() {
		int width = getWidth();
		int height = getHeight();

		// F will follow the finger, we add a small displacement
		// So that we can see the edge
		mF.x = width - mMovement.x+0.1f;
		mF.y = height - mMovement.y+0.1f;
		// Set min points
		if(mA.x==0) {
			mF.x= Math.min(mF.x, mOldF.x);
			mF.y= Math.max(mF.y, mOldF.y);
		// Get diffs
		float deltaX = width-mF.x;
		float deltaY = height-mF.y;

		float BH = (float) (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) / 2);
		double tangAlpha = deltaY / deltaX;
		double alpha = Math.atan(deltaY / deltaX);
		double _cos = Math.cos(alpha);
		double _sin = Math.sin(alpha);
		mA.x = (float) (width - (BH / _cos));
		mA.y = height;
		mD.y = (float) (height - (BH / _sin));
		mD.x = width;

		mA.x = Math.max(0,mA.x);
		if(mA.x==0) {
			mOldF.x = mF.x;
			mOldF.y = mF.y;
		// Get W
		mE.x = mD.x;
		mE.y = mD.y;
		// Correct
		if (mD.y < 0) {
			mD.x = width + (float) (tangAlpha * mD.y);
			mE.y = 0;
			mE.x = width + (float) (Math.tan(2 * alpha) * mD.y);

	 * Swap between the fore and back-ground.
	private void SwapViews() {
		Bitmap temp = mForeground;
		mForeground = mBackground;
		mBackground = temp;
	 * Swap to next view
	private void nextView() {
		int foreIndex = mIndex + 1;
		if(foreIndex >= mPages.size()) {
			foreIndex = 0;
		int backIndex = foreIndex + 1;
		if(backIndex >= mPages.size()) {
			backIndex = 0;
		mIndex = foreIndex;
		setViews(foreIndex, backIndex);
	 * Swap to previous view
	private void previousView() {
		int backIndex = mIndex;
		int foreIndex = backIndex - 1;
		if(foreIndex < 0) {
			foreIndex = mPages.size()-1;
		mIndex = foreIndex;
		setViews(foreIndex, backIndex);
	 * Set current fore and background
	 * @param foreground - Foreground view index
	 * @param background - Background view index
	private void setViews(int foreground, int background) {
		mForeground = mPages.get(foreground);
		mBackground = mPages.get(background);
	// Drawing methods

	protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
		// Always refresh offsets
		//mCurrentLeft = getLeft();
		//mCurrentTop = getTop();
		// Translate the whole canvas
		//canvas.translate(mCurrentLeft, mCurrentTop);
		// We need to initialize all size data when we first draw the view
		if ( !bViewDrawn ) {
			bViewDrawn = true;
		// Curl pages
		// TODO: This just scales the views to the current
		// width and height. We should add some logic for:
		//  1) Maintain aspect ratio
		//  2) Uniform scale
		//  3) ...
		Rect rect = new Rect();
		rect.left = 0; = 0;
		rect.bottom = getHeight();
		rect.right = getWidth();
		// First Page render
		Paint paint = new Paint();
		// Draw our elements
		drawForeground(canvas, rect, paint);
		drawBackground(canvas, rect, paint);
		// Draw any debug info once we are done
		if ( bEnableDebugMode )


		// Check if we can re-enable input
		if ( bEnableInputAfterDraw )
			bBlockTouchInput = false;
			bEnableInputAfterDraw = false;
		// Restore canvas
	 * Called on the first draw event of the view
	 * @param canvas
	protected void onFirstDrawEvent(Canvas canvas) {
		mFlipRadius = getWidth();
	 * Draw the foreground
	 * @param canvas
	 * @param rect
	 * @param paint
	private void drawForeground( Canvas canvas, Rect rect, Paint paint ) {
		canvas.drawBitmap(mForeground, null, rect, paint);
		// Draw the page number (first page is 1 in real life :D 
		// there is no page number 0 hehe)
		drawPageNum(canvas, mIndex);
	 * Create a Path used as a mask to draw the background page
	 * @return
	private Path createBackgroundPath() {
		Path path = new Path();
		path.moveTo(mA.x, mA.y);
		path.lineTo(mB.x, mB.y);
		path.lineTo(mC.x, mC.y);
		path.lineTo(mD.x, mD.y);
		path.lineTo(mA.x, mA.y);
		return path;
	 * Draw the background image.
	 * @param canvas
	 * @param rect
	 * @param paint
	private void drawBackground( Canvas canvas, Rect rect, Paint paint ) {
		Path mask = createBackgroundPath();
		// Save current canvas so we do not mess it up;
		canvas.drawBitmap(mBackground, null, rect, paint);
		// Draw the page number (first page is 1 in real life :D 
		// there is no page number 0 hehe)
		drawPageNum(canvas, mIndex);
	 * Creates a path used to draw the curl edge in.
	 * @return
	private Path createCurlEdgePath() {
		Path path = new Path();
		path.moveTo(mA.x, mA.y);
		path.lineTo(mD.x, mD.y);
		path.lineTo(mE.x, mE.y);
		path.lineTo(mF.x, mF.y);
		path.lineTo(mA.x, mA.y);
		return path;
	 * Draw the curl page edge
	 * @param canvas
	private void drawCurlEdge( Canvas canvas )
		Path path = createCurlEdgePath();
		canvas.drawPath(path, mCurlEdgePaint);
	 * Draw page num (let this be a bit more custom)
	 * @param canvas
	 * @param pageNum
	private void drawPageNum(Canvas canvas, int pageNum)
		String pageNumText = "- "+pageNum+" -";
		drawCentered(canvas, pageNumText,canvas.getHeight()-mTextPaint.getTextSize()-5,mTextPaint,mTextPaintShadow);
	// Debug draw methods
	 * Draw a text with a nice shadow
	public static void drawTextShadowed(Canvas canvas, String text, float x, float y, Paint textPain, Paint shadowPaint) {
    	canvas.drawText(text, x-1, y, shadowPaint);
    	canvas.drawText(text, x, y+1, shadowPaint);
    	canvas.drawText(text, x+1, y, shadowPaint);
    	canvas.drawText(text, x, y-1, shadowPaint);    	
    	canvas.drawText(text, x, y, textPain);
	 * Draw a text with a nice shadow centered in the X axis
	 * @param canvas
	 * @param text
	 * @param y
	 * @param textPain
	 * @param shadowPaint
	public static void drawCentered(Canvas canvas, String text, float y, Paint textPain, Paint shadowPaint)
		float posx = (canvas.getWidth() - textPain.measureText(text))/2;
		drawTextShadowed(canvas, text, posx, y, textPain, shadowPaint);
	 * Draw debug info
	 * @param canvas
	private void drawDebug(Canvas canvas)
		float posX = 10;
		float posY = 20;
		Paint paint = new Paint();
		canvas.drawCircle(mOrigin.x, mOrigin.y, getWidth(), paint);
		canvas.drawCircle(mOrigin.x, mOrigin.y, getWidth(), paint);
		canvas.drawLine(mOrigin.x, mOrigin.y, mMovement.x, mMovement.y, paint);
		canvas.drawLine(mOrigin.x, mOrigin.y, mMovement.x, mMovement.y, paint);
		posY = debugDrawPoint(canvas,"A",mA,Color.RED,posX,posY);
		posY = debugDrawPoint(canvas,"B",mB,Color.GREEN,posX,posY);
		posY = debugDrawPoint(canvas,"C",mC,Color.BLUE,posX,posY);
		posY = debugDrawPoint(canvas,"D",mD,Color.CYAN,posX,posY);
		posY = debugDrawPoint(canvas,"E",mE,Color.YELLOW,posX,posY);
		posY = debugDrawPoint(canvas,"F",mF,Color.LTGRAY,posX,posY);
		posY = debugDrawPoint(canvas,"Mov",mMovement,Color.DKGRAY,posX,posY);
		posY = debugDrawPoint(canvas,"Origin",mOrigin,Color.MAGENTA,posX,posY);
		posY = debugDrawPoint(canvas,"Finger",mFinger,Color.GREEN,posX,posY);
	private float debugDrawPoint(Canvas canvas, String name, Vector2D point, int color, float posX, float posY) {	
		return debugDrawPoint(canvas,name+" "+point.toString(),point.x, point.y, color, posX, posY);
	private float debugDrawPoint(Canvas canvas, String name, float X, float Y, int color, float posX, float posY) {
		drawTextShadowed(canvas,name,posX , posY, mTextPaint,mTextPaintShadow);
		Paint paint = new Paint();
		canvas.drawPoint(X, Y, paint);
		return posY+15;
